Thursday, October 30, 2008

wood shavings and bed sheets

printmaking seems to be one of those very misunderstood subjects; when i tell people i'm taking it as an elective, and potentially as a major, they usually ask,, what is it? And i guess its just that straightforward: you're making prints, whether it is out of wood, metal, or plastic. the processes are very specific and strict, but because the nature of printmaking is so loosely defined, it can also very dynamic and flexible; you can draw over them, paint over them, cut them out, make a book, etc. it's kinda like watercolor actually; within the strict processes and internal restrictions of the craft, it also offers a certain kind of freedom to play. i dunno. somethin' like that..

so for one of our projects, we have to create a 3-dimensional print and.. well.. i guess i was gonna buy a new sheet set anyways.. i decided to make my own! two birds with one 
stone..hehe (:

(close up the etching)

(lunch.. part of ryan lee's and my muffin exchange)

(patches of hands)

(@ the critique!)

(joy! ^_^)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

..ahhhhrt!!!!! and the beginning

before i proceed with this blogging business, i'd first like to humbly welcome you, and thank you for reading this. so really, thank you for being here. (:

while the various happenings in my life are probably totally irrelevent to anything, i guess i appreciate the effort you're taking to follow me around like this; around campus, in the studio, on roofs, under shady trees, and even (next semester) to Florence, Italy!!!!!!! (ASDKLFJL:S!!!! AH EXCITING.. but stressful!?) i guess it's like this: it's an exciting time for me, and i suppose one of the main purposes of this blog is to keep a record for  myself to look back on, but even so, it makes me glad that you, my friends and family, can be in some way, coming along with me.

molto piacere, 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

a Niche of memoirs, october

"who is growing asparaghi in the sink
-d. ma

just general roomie love <3
(because we're just perfect for eachother)

the vice presidential debates!!!!!! at WashU!!! (the one in st. louis :P)


(we're a cute bunch :] )

filming the CSA video~
featuring the Jimmys.

CSA @ the banquet  (:

things that have yet to be covered!!!!!!!

-CSA formal 2008, Midnight Blues @ the Old Rockhouse
-some art!!!!!! 
-music, interests, obsessions
-Fall Fashion Show
-the Mom visit :]

Monday, October 6, 2008

autumn love <3

one of my favorite things about st. louis is how incredibly beautiful it gets during the fall. the air is so cold and fresh, everything renewed. 

leaves a-fallin`

the tree in front of my Buddhist Traditions class, Eliot Hall

the south forty 7:45 am
brisk and cold, peaceful, all morning-like

(trees playing shadow puppets on Shepley)

(before the 8 o clock printmaking studio)

you're the plane that draws a white line
across my mind .

: )