Saturday, April 11, 2009


it's that one week before final crits and i'm expectedly nervous and stressed. i always write in this blog when i'm feeling whiny, so i'm sorry :P

it's Pasquetta tomorrow and we're planning on attending mass at il Duomo tomorrow. they are reeling around a big ol cart from the 1600s (or so i'm told) around the city in a parade of white bulls, and wrapping it in dynamite and blowing it up!!! the cart, not the animals. so that's what i'll be doing tomorrow morning.

nervvvverververous and stressted. and quite homesick. i want my mom's cooking so badly!!!! and holy cow. i have some really amazing people in my life. i hadn't been checking my mail, and one day i just got three letters and they were just so incredible. i posted them up on the bulliten board above my bed with the others that i had collected... and, it helps :)