Tuesday, October 28, 2008

..ahhhhrt!!!!! and the beginning

before i proceed with this blogging business, i'd first like to humbly welcome you, and thank you for reading this. so really, thank you for being here. (:

while the various happenings in my life are probably totally irrelevent to anything, i guess i appreciate the effort you're taking to follow me around like this; around campus, in the studio, on roofs, under shady trees, and even (next semester) to Florence, Italy!!!!!!! (ASDKLFJL:S!!!! AH EXCITING.. but stressful!?) i guess it's like this: it's an exciting time for me, and i suppose one of the main purposes of this blog is to keep a record for  myself to look back on, but even so, it makes me glad that you, my friends and family, can be in some way, coming along with me.

molto piacere, 


Sanna said...

Yeah Charlie! Go inside the cave, magical wonders that behold when you enterrrrrrrrr.

I'm glad to be on the adventure too Felicia :)

di said...

HI LUVAH!!! omg, look what i've done. i managed to dig out my blogger password/sn from the deepest of all deep crevices of my electronic mail account so that i can creepishly yet friendlishly follow your blog. i really like it btw - it's too cute to be true. and if possible, please try not to read my blogs from writing 1. they're embarrassing.

<3 DMA

Lulu Maltese said...

OOO a blog!!

is this ur FIRST evah???

Hmm perhaps i should re-awaken my neglected one :)

yeah keep us seniors updated on them youthful things u kids do these days

Steve said...

hahaha, drat, I'm gonna lose a kidney from this, aren't I? welcome to blogging, haha.

Unknown said...

what a blissful lookin pic of urself...far from the truth

mahhh said...

"ahhhrt" almost like a battle cry there. happy blogging. :)