Tuesday, February 9, 2010

light is white

when both the sky and the earth are so so so white like that, i feel like everything i know of this world, everything that constructs me, is like this small grain of sand, rolled in between god's, or whoever's, thumb and index finger. and then the sunlight pours in through this giant pitcher, and everything becomes so bright I have to squint.

we spent the whole day painting everything white. spackled the holes and the crevices in the walls, sanded them down, and put on coats of paint (called the official "WashU White"). the whole process was meditative but also bizarrely frustrating; you become immersed in this world of white and off-white and paint fumes, and the subtle differences in the original white of the wall in contrast to the white of the paint, becomes magnified and so sorely unmatched, it makes me cringe a little bit. and then there are the parts with shadow, and i become confused as to what parts are painted and unpainted. a little bit like, trying to wash the feeling of skin off your hands.

the installation piece is weighing heavily down on me. i can physically feel my brain sitting inside my skull. see, in my mind, everything always looks perfect and beautiful and eloquent and relevant.. and just wonderful... and then as i bring it out into the world of substance, it loses a certain.. gasp of air? you know what i mean?

she's one of those artists whose work makes me feel like, damnit! if you gave me a couple of years i was gonna do that too. :P


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