Saturday, July 24, 2010

"sexual intercourse is not intrinsically banal"

“Sexual intercourse is not intrinsically banal, though pop-culture magazines like Cosmopolitan suggest that it is. It is intense, often desperate. The internal landscape is violent upheaval, a wild and ultimately cruel disregard of human individuality, a brazen, high-strung wanting that is absolute and imperishable, not attached to personality, no respecter of boundaries. It ends not in sexual climax but in a human tragedy of failed relationships, vengeful bitterness in an aftermath of sexual heat, personality corroded by too much endurance of undesired, habitual intercourse, conflict, a wearing away of vitality in the numbness finally of habit or compulsion or the loneliness of separation. The experience of fucking changes people, so that they are often lost to each other and slowly they are lost to human hope.

The pain of having been exposed, so naked, leads to hiding, self-protection, building barricades, emotional and physical alienation or violent retaliation against anyone who gets too close…”

- Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse

Iris Nesher
iris nesher "sexual intercourse is not intrinsically banal", c print

This isn't really what the show will be about, but this was a certain passage and print combination that I found particularly entrancing. It isn't really my place to post any of the other writings, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to give a little taste of what the next show at the gallery I work for, Bruno David Gallery, will be like. Opening will be on September 10.