Monday, October 12, 2009

tracks. (2)

WAIT YOU KNOW WHAT. i'm not done.

you know what freaking sucks. i hate how i make myself find justification for art. when was it that making art for art's sake wasn't enough?? why isn't self-gratification not enough?

because it isn't enough.. not for me anyways. i can't make art based off of some faraway philosophical inkling that doesn't offer a useful perspective. i don't want to make something that needs to be protected by the gallery space, by the label of "culture" or "high Art" with a capital A because some art theorist in the 1950s determined it so. i don't want to make something that is contained within itself. i don't want to make something that disappears the moment the viewer blinks. 

i want to make something that is alive. that moves and interacts, that can die and be reborn. and i want it to open people's eyes. i want to make people see the true nature in things, and that everything in this world is essentially free. and that people can always be free. 

seriously, most people don't understand how hard art can be. it can be so much about problem solving. 

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